Green Glue Test Results

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Green Glue Test Results


Postby gearjunk1e » Sun, 2022-Oct-23, 09:46

Hi everyone
Quick (and possibly dumb) question for those who've used green glue - they reckon you need to fasten the sheet within 15mins of applying BUT once a tube is opened can you use part of the tube and tape up the nozzle like I do with FC11 and come back the next day and use the balance without any issues?

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Green Glue Test Results


Postby endorka » Sun, 2022-Oct-23, 09:56

I've no idea about the official instructions on this, but I've done it and it was fine.

Green Glue mention that at least one of the sheets being joined should be porous, so reading between the lines, it cures through some sort of fluid evaporation - presumably water. So as long as you have an airtight seal it should be ok.


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Green Glue Test Results


Postby gearjunk1e » Sun, 2022-Oct-23, 18:05

Thanks Jennifer
That'll do me!
My nozzle seal method keeps the Sika sealant fresh for up to a week - and I only want to keep the GG overnight so it all sounds good :D

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